Pop music propaganda


Kunt Pills "Artist"


by Steven Logan

The album opener on Kunt Pills’ self-titled debut album is one for the books, kicking off suddenly, as if in the middle of the story, with distorted and cyclical synths. Kunt Pills pulls off an effective and complex lyrical motif, both firing a warning shot about the perils of dating a creative but also turning the focus inward and recognizing that behavior in herself. Lyrics like “I think you’ve caught an artist / You should proceed with caution” reflect a wariness of head-in-the-clouds artistic sensibilities, even if later in the song she surrenders and offers to be the “only muse”. Overall, the track is an excellent start to an album that wrestles with artistic growth and self-discovery, wrapped in a pretty pink pop package.

“Artist” is the first track on the Dayton, OH based artist’s debut album Kunt Pills: Self Titled, available now.