Pop music propaganda


Tommy Bravos "Me Ti Gi"


by Steven Logan

Tommy Bravos starts with the lyric “The earth is dying, I am crying / Are you feeling something too?”, and it feels like a call to action. Whether our planet goes down under the weight of escalating climate crises, or if you personally just don’t wake up one day, the question is the same - Did you live? Did you feel? Did you connect?

It’s the Chicago artist’s first macaronic lyric, sung in English on the sparse, brooding verses and in Greek on the chorus, which translates to “I am you, with the Earth, all together”. It perfectly sums up the idea that human beings are not removed from nature, we are nature. And by extension, we are one another.

Tommy points to that exact sentiment on the lyric “I am yearning to be you and you and you” in the first verse - which then flips to “I am yearning to feel you and you and you” in the second. This swirling of self-actualization and sexual desire is a clever turn, especially as the tempo picks up and our blood starts to pump. The chorus shifts into a celebratory mode, boosting the bass and adding a lyre, and altogether the effect is one of a midnight bacchanalia, a coming together of humanity.

Themes of personal exploration and philosophy have been present on Tommy’s singles leading up to now, but “Me Ti Gi” is elevated to instant classic status with this turn from the introspective to the communal.

“Me Ti Gi” is the fourth single off Tommy Bravos’ upcoming EP Everything is Growing, Am I, out next month.